2022 London Results

Explore the results of 2022 London in Season 4 with our analytics tool. Including 2031 results for all divisions and athletes.
London Excel Royal Victoria Dock 1 Western Gateway London E16 1XL United Kingdom

Rank Rank (AG) Name Age Group
🥇 🥇 GBR Flag Munsch Emma, GBR Flag Lynch Mark 30-39 Mixed 57:59
🥇 🥇 GBR Flag Lukasewich Olivia, GBR Flag Borg Chiara 30-39 Women 59:45
🥇 🥇 MAS Flag Meehan Callum, MAS Flag Lex Christoph 30-39 Men 53:28
🥈 🥈 GBR Flag Tucknott Sam, GBR Flag Langley Kerry 30-39 Mixed 01:02:27
🥉 🥇 GBR Flag Gregory Lily, GBR Flag Wozny Angelina 16-29 Women 01:04:13
🥉 🥇 GBR Flag Holland Will, GBR Flag Mills Pippa 16-29 Mixed 01:02:52
🥉 🥉 GBR Flag Edwards George, GBR Flag Hogan Tom 30-39 Men 54:35
4th 🥉 GBR Flag Banwell Simon, GBR Flag Byrne Devon 30-39 Mixed 01:04:17
4th 🥈 GBR Flag Lowes Elvira, GBR Flag Morgan Sally 40-49 Women 01:05:09
5th 🥉 GBR Flag Quigley Joda, GBR Flag Mears Clare 40-49 Women 01:05:27
5th 🥇 GBR Flag Sellers Harry, GBR Flag Corrie Joe 16-29 Men 56:13
5th 🥇 GBR Flag Richardson Paul, GBR Flag Smith Leah 40-49 Mixed 01:04:48
6th 🥈 GBR Flag Mckane Abbi, GBR Flag Humphrey Helen 30-39 Women 01:06:10
6th 4th GBR Flag Julien Andrew, GBR Flag Penn Tom 30-39 Men 56:15
7th 🥉 GBR Flag Cochrane Ben, GBR Flag Raven Lydia 16-29 Mixed 01:04:59
7th 5th GBR Flag Cooper Josh, GBR Flag Williams Gary 30-39 Men 56:26
7th 🥈 GBR Flag Bowmann Lou, GBR Flag Lynch Caroline 16-29 Women 01:06:29
8th 🥈 GBR Flag Kelly Joeseph, GBR Flag Brown Lewis 16-29 Men 56:30
8th 4th IRL Flag Corrigan Jack, IRL Flag Block Eliza 30-39 Mixed 01:05:23
8th 🥉 GBR Flag Davey Kate, GBR Flag Almond Catherine 30-39 Women 01:06:42
9th 4th GBR Flag Marchon Charles, GBR Flag Glynne Jones Tess 16-29 Mixed 01:05:29
9th 🥉 GBR Flag Holt Lexi, GBR Flag Carter Lucie 16-29 Women 01:06:48
9th 6th GBR Flag Best Josh, GBR Flag Cox Matt 30-39 Men 57:05
10th 4th GBR Flag Evans Hannah, GBR Flag Frizzelle Miranda 16-29 Women 01:07:42
10th 5th GBR Flag Woolliscroft Colin, GBR Flag Edelman Becky 30-39 Mixed 01:05:31
10th 🥉 GBR Flag Nota Dan, GBR Flag Solomon Richard 16-29 Men 57:28
11th 5th GBR Flag Harrison Joseph, GBR Flag Grantham Jade 16-29 Mixed 01:05:46
11th 4th GBR Flag Stanners Laura, GBR Flag Marchbank Kirsty 30-39 Women 01:08:27
11th 4th GBR Flag Green Ben, GBR Flag Morris Liam 16-29 Men 57:58
12th 🥈 GBR Flag Lambert Edward, GBR Flag Prothero Paul 40-49 Men 58:08
12th 5th GBR Flag Ackers Rachel, GBR Flag Gannon Miriam 30-39 Women 01:08:45
12th 6th GBR Flag Donnelly Sean, GBR Flag Best Gemma 30-39 Mixed 01:06:53
13th 7th GBR Flag Bazin Oliver, GBR Flag Carr Rosie 30-39 Mixed 01:06:58
13th 5th GBR Flag Johnson Georgie, GBR Flag Varney Amelia 16-29 Women 01:09:15
14th 8th GBR Flag Mackenzie Susan, GBR Flag Luke Tom 30-39 Mixed 01:06:59
14th 7th POR Flag Oliveira David, POR Flag Pinto José 30-39 Men 58:48
14th 6th GBR Flag Swarbrick Chloe, GBR Flag Robson Georgia 16-29 Women 01:09:21
15th 6th GBR Flag Carlsson Louise, GBR Flag Hartley Robert 16-29 Mixed 01:07:06
15th 🥉 GBR Flag Spears Simon, GBR Flag Mountain Lee 40-49 Men 58:59
15th 6th GBR Flag Everett Beth, GBR Flag Bills Lucy 30-39 Women 01:09:39
16th 8th GBR Flag Williams Dan, GBR Flag Lowe Tom 30-39 Men 59:39
16th 7th GBR Flag Edward Rosie, GBR Flag Wagland Kara 16-29 Women 01:09:39
16th 7th GBR Flag Smith Tristan, GBR Flag Davis Rosie 16-29 Mixed 01:07:11
17th 7th GBR Flag Brown Grace, GBR Flag Towerton Charlotte 30-39 Women 01:09:44
17th 9th GBR Flag Mateus Alex, GBR Flag Heron Chris 30-39 Men 59:41
17th 9th GBR Flag Robertson James, GBR Flag Northridge Jessica 30-39 Mixed 01:07:18
18th 10th GBR Flag Carroll Paul, GBR Flag Carroll Anthony 30-39 Men 01:00:07
18th 8th GBR Flag Dean Michael, GBR Flag Antoniou Sophie 16-29 Mixed 01:08:00
18th 8th GBR Flag Trigg Chloe, GBR Flag Nangle Heloise 30-39 Women 01:10:13
19th 6th GBR Flag Cummins Chris, GBR Flag Morse Harry 16-29 Men 01:00:18