2023 Singapore Results
Explore the results of 2023 Singapore in Season 6 with our analytics tool. Including 1837 results for all divisions and athletes.
Singapore National Stadium
1 Stadium Drive,
Explore the results of 2023 Singapore in Season 6 with our analytics tool. Including 1837 results for all divisions and athletes.
Singapore National Stadium
1 Stadium Drive,
Rank | Rank (AG) | Name | Age Group | |
🥇 | 🥇 | Mc Ginley Maire | 35-39 Women | 01:13:42 |
🥇 | 🥇 | Hegazy Karim | 35-39 Men | 01:06:45 |
🥈 | 🥇 | Cheong Jd | 30-34 Women | 01:14:09 |
🥈 | 🥇 | Richey Nathan | 30-34 Men | 01:11:04 |
🥉 | 🥈 | Koh Jane | 30-34 Women | 01:14:12 |
🥉 | 🥈 | Anstey Josh | 30-34 Men | 01:11:52 |
4th | 🥉 | Thorogood Nicholas | 30-34 Men | 01:12:56 |
4th | 🥉 | Richey Marissa | 30-34 Women | 01:16:21 |
5th | 🥇 | Bieling Jennifer | 25-29 Women | 01:16:27 |
5th | 4th | How Isaiah | 30-34 Men | 01:13:24 |
6th | 🥇 | Sprakel Jorrit | 40-44 Men | 01:13:29 |
6th | 🥇 | Djatmiko Jemima | 40-44 Women | 01:16:55 |
7th | 4th | Sefton Biddy | 30-34 Women | 01:17:29 |
7th | 🥈 | Budden David | 35-39 Men | 01:14:09 |
8th | 5th | Harman George | 30-34 Men | 01:14:25 |
8th | 🥈 | Chew Jolyn | 25-29 Women | 01:18:18 |
9th | 6th | Davidson Cameron | 30-34 Men | 01:14:29 |
9th | 🥈 | Edwards Anna | 35-39 Women | 01:18:35 |
10th | 5th | Pink Aimee | 30-34 Women | 01:19:51 |
10th | 🥉 | Guyonvarch Ludovic | 35-39 Men | 01:14:29 |
11th | 🥇 | Anley Kerry | 50-54 Women | 01:21:30 |
11th | 🥈 | Edmondson Dominic | 40-44 Men | 01:15:02 |
12th | 🥇 | Allen Rubin | 50-54 Men | 01:15:08 |
12th | 🥉 | Lee Hayley | 25-29 Women | 01:21:41 |
13th | 🥇 | Biddle Katharine | 45-49 Women | 01:21:42 |
13th | 🥇 | Phillips Richard | 25-29 Men | 01:15:54 |
14th | 4th | Fisher Jay | 25-29 Women | 01:21:54 |
14th | 4th | Woods Matthew | 35-39 Men | 01:16:10 |
15th | 🥈 | Gawasawa Ayumi | 40-44 Women | 01:22:17 |
15th | 🥉 | Hooper Scott | 40-44 Men | 01:16:30 |
16th | 5th | Liu Yufang | 25-29 Women | 01:22:19 |
16th | 5th | Schaller Franck | 35-39 Men | 01:16:37 |
17th | 6th | Hoffmann Matthias | 35-39 Men | 01:17:17 |
17th | 6th | Lah Rebecca | 30-34 Women | 01:22:37 |
18th | 6th | Johal Rehmat | 25-29 Women | 01:22:52 |
18th | 7th | Zhou Taisheng | 30-34 Men | 01:17:18 |
19th | 7th | Hall Richard | 35-39 Men | 01:17:56 |
19th | 7th | Lee Emma | 30-34 Women | 01:23:34 |
20th | 8th | Kim Sohee | 30-34 Women | 01:23:42 |
20th | 🥈 | Evans Matt | 25-29 Men | 01:17:58 |
21st | 4th | Miller Scott | 40-44 Men | 01:18:09 |
21st | 🥉 | Benson Ashley | 35-39 Women | 01:23:58 |
22nd | 8th | Savolainen Aripekka | 35-39 Men | 01:18:28 |
22nd | 9th | Wright Lizzie | 30-34 Women | 01:25:07 |
23rd | 9th | Cloarec Quentin | 35-39 Men | 01:18:34 |
23rd | 10th | Bourke Lauren | 30-34 Women | 01:25:27 |
24th | 🥉 | Haynes Alastair | 25-29 Men | 01:18:37 |
24th | 7th | Teng Alicia | 25-29 Women | 01:25:33 |
25th | 8th | Quek Sabrina | 25-29 Women | 01:26:27 |
25th | 8th | Loh Samuel | 30-34 Men | 01:18:47 |