2024 Glasgow Results

Explore the results of 2024 Glasgow in Season 6 with our analytics tool. Including 5749 results for all divisions and athletes.
Event Location: Scottish Event Campus, Exhibition Way, Glasgow, Scotland, G3 8YW

Rank Rank (AG) Name Age Group
🥇 🥇 GBR Flag Clark Murray, GBR Flag Little Chris, SCO Flag Harkness Conor, SCO Flag Carlisle John U40 Men 51:32
🥇 🥇 GBR Flag Murphy Ben, GBR Flag Streets Chloe, GBR Flag Akroyd Nicky, GBR Flag Brame Jordan U40 Mixed 55:50
🥇 🥇 SCO Flag Bain Leanne, GBR Flag Yuill Vicky, SCO Flag Quigley Joda, SCO Flag Mears Clare 40+ Women 01:02:19
🥈 🥇 GBR Flag Menzies Freya, GBR Flag Quinn Lauren, GBR Flag Saxby Lauren, GBR Flag Menzies Iona U40 Women 01:05:35
🥈 🥇 GBR Flag Fearnley Joe, GBR Flag Morgans Catherine, ROU Flag Pasat Razvan, GBR Flag Alexander Alexis 40+ Mixed 01:01:59
🥈 🥈 GBR Flag Thomas Jack, ENG Flag Ambert Louis, GBR Flag Gibbins Ricky, MAR Flag Redaoui Mohamed U40 Men 54:11
🥉 🥉 GBR Flag Mcphee Aaron, GBR Flag Cairns Mike, GBR Flag Holliman Mark, ENG Flag Dunkerley Andy U40 Men 56:07
🥉 🥈 GBR Flag Mcsherry Jodi, GBR Flag Urwin Nick, GBR Flag Hall Dean, GBR Flag Davidson Georgia U40 Mixed 01:02:17
🥉 🥈 GBR Flag Hunter Tina, GBR Flag McMillan Wanda, GBR Flag Love Deborah, GBR Flag Mcquarrir Karen 40+ Women 01:06:33
4th 🥈 GBR Flag Docherty Claire, GBR Flag Mcleod Laura, GBR Flag Curtis Barry, GBR Flag Mcleod Douglas 40+ Mixed 01:04:47
4th 🥈 GBR Flag Mccarron Lucy, GBR Flag Mcgown Jenna, GBR Flag Hyde Molly, GBR Flag Coyle Roisin U40 Women 01:09:16
4th 4th GBR Flag Elliot Ally, GBR Flag Mclean Gary, GBR Flag Tranent Mikey, GBR Flag Perfect Lee U40 Men 57:33
5th 🥉 GBR Flag Brown Martin, GBR Flag Gallagher Scott, GBR Flag Murphy Linzi, GBR Flag Mellor Jane 40+ Mixed 01:06:12
5th 🥉 GBR Flag Barr Carrie, SCO Flag Black Kelly, SCO Flag Auld Kirsty, GBR Flag Lole Kim 40+ Women 01:09:32
5th 5th GBR Flag Young Alistair, GBR Flag Bradwell Malcolm, GBR Flag Haxton John, GBR Flag Weston Marc U40 Men 57:54
6th 6th GBR Flag Lockhart Robert, GBR Flag Russell Dylan, GBR Flag Goodman Sam, GBR Flag Lockhart William U40 Men 59:03
6th 🥉 GER Flag Meyn Niklas, GBR Flag Coleman Abigail, GBR Flag Steele David, GER Flag Ressel Sarah U40 Mixed 01:07:54
6th 🥉 GBR Flag Adams Ali, GBR Flag Fairlie Kirsten, IRL Flag Hall Fiona, GBR Flag Mclauchlan Kayley U40 Women 01:11:32
7th 4th GBR Flag Lowdon Jordan, GBR Flag Little Scott, GBR Flag Condie Chelsea, GBR Flag Mcaleer Emma U40 Mixed 01:09:19
7th 4th GBR Flag Campbell Alyssa, GBR Flag Robinson Natasha, CAN Flag Clavet Sydney, GBR Flag Haggo Tasha U40 Women 01:12:17
7th 7th SCO Flag Docherty Garry, SCO Flag Hendry David, SCO Flag Kennedy Gerry, GBR Flag Wilkie Bradley U40 Men 01:00:12
8th 4th GBR Flag Hair Carolyne, GBR Flag Mclaren Jill, GBR Flag Hair James, GBR Flag Heathwood Derek 40+ Mixed 01:09:49
8th 5th GBR Flag Stevenson Laura, GBR Flag Law Debbie, GBR Flag Mcinroy Erin, GBR Flag Crawford Carrie U40 Women 01:14:18
8th 8th GBR Flag Mathie Kris, GBR Flag Scully Liam, GBR Flag Szymoszowskyj Adam, GBR Flag Macdonald Cris U40 Men 01:00:17
9th 4th GBR Flag Stubbings Laura, GBR Flag Lund Emma, GBR Flag Baker Angela, GBR Flag Baldwin Victoria 40+ Women 01:15:03
9th 5th GBR Flag Russel James, GBR Flag Ireland Andrew, GBR Flag Crozier Gillian, GBR Flag Watt Hazel U40 Mixed 01:10:36
10th 6th GBR Flag Foster John, GBR Flag Kerr Eve, GBR Flag Gibson Amy, GBR Flag Macisaac Ethan U40 Mixed 01:11:01
10th 10th GBR Flag Latimer Barry, GBR Flag King Andrew, GBR Flag Henderson Joey, GBR Flag Nicholson Ross U40 Men 01:00:55
10th 6th GBR Flag Atkinson Ashleigh, GBR Flag Vickers Stephanie, GBR Flag Smith Jessica, GBR Flag Leonard Ashleigh U40 Women 01:16:14
11th 11th GBR Flag Kumesu-Egri Chris, GBR Flag Woods Colin, GBR Flag McEvoy Jason, GBR Flag Sibbald Tomas U40 Men 01:01:50
11th 7th GBR Flag Bell Rachel, GBR Flag Rowatt Kirsty, GBR Flag Soares Melanie, GBR Flag Mcluckie Chloe U40 Women 01:18:35
11th 7th GBR Flag Crews Danielle, GBR Flag Docherty Robert, GBR Flag Kerr Laura, GBR Flag Mccann Kyle U40 Mixed 01:12:30
12th 12th GBR Flag Mcconnochie Barry, ESP Flag Fernandez Alex, GBR Flag Gilmour Nick, GBR Flag Nicholson Matt U40 Men 01:02:12
12th 5th GBR Flag Mcleod Lorna, GBR Flag Rettie Melissa, GBR Flag Groat Alison, GBR Flag Scott Elisha 40+ Women 01:18:41
12th 8th GBR Flag Jackson Cara, GBR Flag Ohara Andrew, GBR Flag Ewing Sophie, GBR Flag Campbell Andrew U40 Mixed 01:12:39
13th 13th GBR Flag Crighton Boris, GBR Flag Mcilroy James, GBR Flag Anyata Jerome, GBR Flag Zhou James U40 Men 01:03:30
13th 8th GBR Flag Vaughn Sarah, GBR Flag Fairley Kay, GBR Flag BEATTIE VICTORIA, GBR Flag Charlton Cheryl U40 Women 01:18:48
13th 9th GBR Flag Williams Keir, GBR Flag Barr Ryan, SHN Flag Mcdonald Angie, GBR Flag Mcglinchey Ashley U40 Mixed 01:13:11
14th 14th GBR Flag Sullivan John, IRL Flag Mcgirr Ronan, GBR Flag Wood Danny, GBR Flag Turnbull Ryan U40 Men 01:04:08
14th 10th GBR Flag Hill Jay, GBR Flag Sharkey Olivia, GBR Flag Hannah Kai, GBR Flag Hill Julie U40 Mixed 01:13:42
14th 9th GBR Flag Miller Coco, GBR Flag Boyce Katy, GBR Flag Jubb Freya, GBR Flag Matheson Anya U40 Women 01:20:12
15th 11th GBR Flag Sampson Tilly, GBR Flag Wilmshurst Lee, ZIM Flag White Hadia, GBR Flag Wright Phil U40 Mixed 01:13:58
15th 15th GBR Flag Walker Dean, GBR Flag Keltie Euan, GBR Flag Heron Chris, GBR Flag Stothers Ross U40 Men 01:05:10
15th 10th GBR Flag Thomas Elise, GBR Flag Loudon Aimee, GBR Flag Parker Cara, GBR Flag Thomas Ava U40 Women 01:20:52
16th 5th GBR Flag Hill Stephen, GBR Flag Smith Barry, GBR Flag Reilly Diane, GBR Flag Campbell Lorraine 40+ Mixed 01:15:07
16th 11th GBR Flag Coyle Clare, GBR Flag Clayton Nicole, GBR Flag Holmes Nicole, GBR Flag Mcgeachy Arlene U40 Women 01:21:20
16th 16th GBR Flag Burke Liam, GBR Flag Burke Mark, GBR Flag Findlay Jed, GBR Flag Robertson Stephen U40 Men 01:05:32
17th 6th GBR Flag Abercrombie Ian, SCO Flag Gray Susan, GBR Flag Mackay Kirsty, GBR Flag Paterson Kevin 40+ Mixed 01:15:12
17th 17th GBR Flag Rowlands Alex, GBR Flag Halliwell Josh, GBR Flag Stirrup Tomos, GBR Flag Hughes Tomos U40 Men 01:05:52
17th 12th LAT Flag BIRCHMORE CLAIRE, GBR Flag Mcnee Sarah, GBR Flag Whiteford Lisa-Jayne, GBR Flag Wilson Laura U40 Women 01:21:26