2024 Perth Results
Explore the results of 2024 Perth in Season 7 with our analytics tool. Including 1549 results for all divisions and athletes.
Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre, 21 Mounts Bay Rd, 6000 Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Explore the results of 2024 Perth in Season 7 with our analytics tool. Including 1549 results for all divisions and athletes.
Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre, 21 Mounts Bay Rd, 6000 Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Rank | Rank (AG) | Name | Age Group | |
🥇 | 🥇 | Meehan Callum | 30-34 Men | 58:41 |
🥇 | 🥇 | Emond Mollie | 30-34 Women | 01:00:30 |
🥈 | 🥇 | Ozimek Ivy | 16-24 Women | 01:04:28 |
🥈 | 🥈 | PriceOwen Jess | 30-34 Men | 01:00:20 |
🥉 | 🥇 | Mclean Jessica | 25-29 Women | 01:06:41 |
🥉 | 🥇 | Carter Stephen | 25-29 Men | 01:00:42 |
4th | 🥈 | Penny Luke | 25-29 Men | 01:02:03 |
4th | 🥈 | Busiko Anna | 25-29 Women | 01:07:20 |
5th | 🥈 | Razvi Ayesha | 16-24 Women | 01:08:13 |
5th | 🥉 | Leemans Dan | 25-29 Men | 01:02:11 |
6th | 🥉 | Price Aaron | 30-34 Men | 01:02:30 |
6th | 🥇 | Bertei Nicole | 40-44 Women | 01:09:55 |
7th | 🥇 | Ashford Kerry | 45-49 Women | 01:11:31 |
7th | 4th | Sheppard Dom | 30-34 Men | 01:02:32 |
8th | 🥈 | Smith Janet | 45-49 Women | 01:12:44 |
8th | 🥇 | Barnett Jamie | 35-39 Men | 01:02:47 |
9th | 🥇 | Dyer Priscilla | 35-39 Women | 01:12:59 |
9th | 5th | Lanzara Alesio | 30-34 Men | 01:03:55 |
10th | 🥉 | Jones Chloe | 25-29 Women | 01:13:24 |
10th | 🥈 | Maden Steven | 35-39 Men | 01:03:58 |
11th | 🥈 | Peter Alexandra | 30-34 Women | 01:13:51 |
11th | 🥇 | Trudgeon Joel | 16-24 Men | 01:04:11 |
12th | 🥈 | Mcmillan Kira | 35-39 Women | 01:14:06 |
12th | 🥈 | Earley Flynn | 16-24 Men | 01:04:14 |
13th | 4th | Mcdermott Jack | 25-29 Men | 01:04:34 |
13th | 🥉 | Palmer Sami | 35-39 Women | 01:14:38 |
14th | 6th | Pearce Clancee | 30-34 Men | 01:04:44 |
14th | 🥉 | Dunne Hayley | 45-49 Women | 01:15:03 |
15th | 4th | Dobbs Rhiannon | 25-29 Women | 01:15:03 |
15th | 🥉 | Kelly Patrick | 16-24 Men | 01:04:53 |
16th | 7th | Mouzakki Dylan | 30-34 Men | 01:04:56 |
16th | 4th | Fedele Helen | 35-39 Women | 01:15:30 |
17th | 5th | Greenall Kaitlyn | 25-29 Women | 01:15:32 |
17th | 8th | Schilling Billy | 30-34 Men | 01:05:15 |
18th | 9th | Gatty Kane | 30-34 Men | 01:05:37 |
18th | 🥉 | Thomasson Phoebe | 16-24 Women | 01:15:39 |
19th | 5th | Mckeon Bec | 35-39 Women | 01:15:44 |
19th | 4th | Watson Oli | 16-24 Men | 01:06:00 |
20th | 🥉 | Gray Krysten | 30-34 Women | 01:15:48 |
20th | 5th | Moger Levi | 16-24 Men | 01:06:03 |
21st | 4th | Alliex Giselle | 30-34 Women | 01:15:54 |
21st | 5th | Palmer Hugo | 25-29 Men | 01:06:11 |
22nd | 4th | Bevilaqua Kate | 45-49 Women | 01:16:10 |
22nd | 🥇 | Richardson Ben | 45-49 Men | 01:06:15 |
23rd | 6th | Markey Kobi | 25-29 Men | 01:06:46 |
23rd | 6th | Dougan Kara | 25-29 Women | 01:16:19 |
24th | 🥇 | Kwan Laurence | 40-44 Men | 01:06:49 |
24th | 5th | Burdakova Alexandra Sasha | 30-34 Women | 01:16:38 |
25th | 6th | Bruce Heidi | 35-39 Women | 01:16:44 |
25th | 🥉 | Woods Matthew | 35-39 Men | 01:06:51 |